HSG Banking Days 2022

14 OKT 14 OKT Universität St.Gallen Einstein St.Gallen, Berneggstrasse 2, 9000 St. Gallen
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Start At: Okt 14, 2022 14:15 Uhr
End At: Okt 14, 2022
Hat bereits stattgefunden
Einstein St.Gallen, Berneggstrasse 2, 9000 St. Gallen

It is our pleasure to invite you to be part of the 18th edition of the HSG Banking Days, the main recruiting event at the University of St.Gallen in the fall semester. This year, the HSG Banking Days will take place from October 3rd to October 14th 2022.

You will have the unique opportunity to participate in various events with some of the most prestigious and famous companies in the financial services industry. Use the chance to personally meet professionals from the most successful financial service providers and gather interesting information about the different areas in the financial services sector. 

We hope, that you will use the opportunity to establish personal and long lasting relationships with the company representatives during the HSG Banking Days. We wish you all the best!

"Click here for the program"